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发布日期:2025-01-04 11:46    点击次数:146
为了让大家第一时间看到优质考研内容千万!千万!千万!记得【星标】或【置顶】考研外刊阅读每晚21:00,外刊君陪你考研中国高翻团队倾力之作词数:420 words难度:★★★☆☆小贴士:本期推送2023年《经济学人》合集资源每期《经济学人》包含五种格式:➯mp3➯pdf➯mobi➯epub➯azw3获取资源:2023合集:「2023年度经济学人.rar」来自UC网盘分享(尽快保存,避免失效)https://drive.uc.cn/s/e6603511c3cd4——大橙子留✦ +上期划线句答案Such is its vote-winning potential that the plan was ditched by Rishi Sunak’s administration as soon as the electoral consequences became clear.这项计划“赢得”选票的潜力如此之大,以至于当它的选举后果变得明显时,里希·苏纳克的政府立即放弃了这一计划。这一句话和第一句话的“popular”一样,在讲反话,因为提高退休年龄并不受民众支持Such is sth that ... 的句式可以关注一下✦ +本期内容双语阅读Para.1The myth that we use only 10 per cent of our brains has been comprehensivelydebunked. Perhaps it persists because it is so appealing to believe that you could become a genius simply by learning to engage the dormant 90 per cent. In reality, no part of your brain issurplus to requirements,and it is alwaysswitched on, even when you are asleep or not thinking about much at all.关于我们只用到大脑10%的容量的谣言已经被全面辟谣。可能这个谣言之所以会一直存在,是因为人们乐于相信通过学会激活沉睡的90%的大脑就能变成天才,这个想法太有吸引力了。实际上,你的大脑没有任何多余的部分,它一直是处于激活状态的,即使是在你睡觉的时候或没有思考任何事情的时候。点击此处查看翻译1.debunk英/ diːˈbʌŋk /美/ diːˈbʌŋk /v.揭穿……的真相,证明……是错误的;(尤指借奚落、嘲弄来)消减(某人)名过其实的声誉2.surplus to requirement不再需要的,多余的3.switch on打开;开启点击此处查看词汇词组Para.2But that doesn’t necessarily mean that your brain burns the same amount of energy while daydreaming as it does when you are concentrating. We have all experienced that feeling of mentalexhaustionafter focusing on a tricky problem. Detailed thinking certainly feels like hard work, but is it? The answer is a touch moresubtlethan you might suspect.但这并不一定意味着你在走神时大脑消耗的能量跟你专心致志时一样多。我们都经历过在集中精力解决棘手问题之后感到精神疲惫的感觉。感觉仔细思考像是辛苦的工作,但真的如此吗?答案可能比你想象的更微妙。点击此处查看翻译1.exhaustion英/ ɪɡˈzɔːstʃən /美/ ɪɡˈzɔːstʃən /n.筋疲力尽;耗尽,枯竭2.subtle英/ ˈsʌt(ə)l /美/ ˈsʌt(ə)l /adj.不易察觉的,微妙的;敏锐的,有洞察力的;灵活的,巧妙的;含蓄的,隐晦的; <古> 狡猾的点击此处查看词汇词组Para.3Intriguingly, when it comes to energy use, the brain doesn’t distinguish between tasks that we traditionally regard as “hard” and those that come more naturally. This was first demonstrated in the 1950s in a study showing that the brain’s level ofmetabolicactivity is remarkably constant, regardless of whether we are concentrating on mentalarithmeticor letting our mind wander. “Daydreamingtakes upneural energy too,” says Lavie.有趣的是,大脑在消耗能量方面,并不会区分我们传统上认为“困难”的任务和那些更自然而然的任务。翻译划线句,在文末留言打卡,答案下期公布~拉维表示:“走神也会消耗神经能量。”点击此处查看翻译1.Intriguing英/ ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ /美/ ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ /adj.非常有趣的,引人入胜的v.引起……的兴趣;策划阴谋;私通(intrigue 的现在分词)2.metabolic英/ ˌmetəˈbɒlɪk /美/ ˌmetəˈbɑːlɪk /adj.新陈代谢的3.arithmetic英/ əˈrɪθmətɪk /美/ əˈrɪθmətɪk /n.算术;演算,计算;数据统计adj.算术的4.take up开始从事(某项活动);占用(时间、空间等);接受(挑战、任务等);收起(衣物)点击此处查看词汇词组Para.4Your brain allocates resources to its different parts depending on the mental activity beingcarried out. But there is atrade-off. “When the demand of a mentally challenging task increases, you see increased metabolism in the neurons that are responsible for the task,” says Lavie. At the same time, you see corresponding decreases in other brain areas. For instance, in a study published in November, Lavie and her colleagues measured energy use in the brain region responsible for daydreaming and found that it decreased when volunteers carried out a problem-solving task that required focused attention.你的大脑会根据正在进行的心理活动给不同的部位分配资源。但存在一种权衡。拉维表示:“当具有挑战性的任务的需求增加时,你会看到负责这项任务的神经元代谢增加。”与此同时,你会看到大脑其他区域的神经元代谢相应减少。例如,在11月份发表的一项研究中,拉维和她的同事测量了负责走神的大脑区域的能量使用情况,发现当志愿者开展需要集中注意力解决问题的任务时,这片区域的能量消耗减少了。点击此处查看翻译1.carry out执行,实施;完成,实现;继续到结束2.trade-off英/ ˈtreɪd ɒf /美/ ˈtreɪd ɔːf /n.平衡,协调;妥协,让步点击此处查看词汇词组Para.5So thinking hard does burn more energy in the brain region involved, but this is offset by energy savings in other parts of the brain. However, the amounts of energy involved areminuscule. For example, a self-control task, such as keeping your hand in icy water for as long as you can, “burns up 1 calorie ofglucose”, says McNay. However, although this is a tiny amount of fuel, your brain doesn’t see it that way. “It worries about animbalanceof supply over demand,” he says. If the brain detects localdrainageof glucose – the sugar that fuels the brain – it perceives it as something bad, says McNay. This is what gives rise to the feeling of being exhausted afterprolongedfocus.因此,在进行认真思考时大脑相关区域的确会消耗更多能量,但这部分会被大脑其他区域省下的能量抵消掉。然而,涉及其中的能量是微乎其微的。例如,麦克内表示,在自控任务中,如尽可能长时间地把手放在冰水中,“消耗了1卡路里的葡萄糖”,然而,虽然这部分能量微不足道,但你的大脑并不觉得。“大脑会担心供给与需求之间的不平衡,”他说。如果大脑检测到葡萄糖(给大脑提供能量的糖)出现局部消耗,它会把它看作是不好的事情。这就是长时间专注后感到精疲力竭的原因。点击此处查看翻译1.minuscule英/ ˈmɪnəskjuːl /美/ ˈmɪnəskjuːl /adj.极小的;(字母)小写;微不足道的(非正式)n.小写字体;小写字母2.glucose英/ ˈɡluːkəʊs /美/ ˈɡluːkoʊs /n.葡萄糖;葡糖(等于 dextrose)3.imbalance英/ ɪmˈbæləns /美/ ɪmˈbæləns /n.不平衡;不安定4.drainage英/ ˈdreɪnɪdʒ /美/ ˈdreɪnɪdʒ /n.排水系统;排水,排泄;排出的水,污水5.prolong英/ prəˈlɒŋ /美/ prəˈlɔːŋ /v.拉长,拖长(感觉或活动); <罕> 延长点击此处查看词汇词组本文节选自:New Scientist(新科学家)发布时间:2024.02.29作者:Alison George原文标题:The strange truth about why thinking hard makes you feel exhausted写作句总结原句:When the demand of a mentally challenging task increases, you see increased metabolism in the neurons that are responsible for the task.结构:When X increases, you see Y in Z.例句:When the pressure of a high-stakes situation increases, you see heightened determination in individuals who are responsible for managing the task.阅读理解题Which statement best summarizes the findings regarding brain energy consumption as discussed in the article?A) Daydreaming and concentrated thinking require similar levels of neural energy.B) The brain consumes more energy during focused tasks but compensates with energy savings in other areas.C) Mental exhaustion is primarily caused by the brain's inability to efficiently allocate glucose.D) The brain constantly operates at a high metabolic level regardless of the mental activity being carried out.B正确。根据第二段第一句,A项错误点击此处查看答案打卡作业本期推送2023年《经济学人》合集资源每期《经济学人》包含五种格式:➯mp3➯pdf➯mobi➯epub➯azw3获取资源:2023合集:「2023年度经济学人.rar」来自UC网盘分享(尽快保存,避免失效)https://drive.uc.cn/s/e6603511c3cd4• END •排版/外刊君图片/来源网络中国高翻小组

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